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10 Minute Guided Meditation for Anxiety and Stress Relief

In this beginner-friendly meditation practice, we go on an inward journey. We check in with the physical body, mind and the breath.

In this guided meditation practice, we explore mudras, body scans, visualization and box breathing.

I invite you to find a comfortable seat of your choice. There is an option to do this meditation from a chair with the feet resting on the ground.

All you need is 10 minutes and your breath.

Show up as you are.

It is my hope that this practice serves you well my dear friend.

Please know that you are not alone. Take care,

~Rachel xo

P.S. Soothing music is included in this meditation practice. ENJOY!

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Yoga with Rachel highly recommends that you consult with your physician prior to participating in this exercise program. Please follow any safety precautions as indicated by your physician. Participating in any exercise program involves the possibility of physical injury. Listen to your body, stop the movement if you feel pain, and use what works for you. 

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