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The Healing Power of Curiosity

“The first and simplest emotion which we discover in the human mind is curiosity.” – Edmund Burke


I hope that this letter finds you well. 

I had a random thought this week. 

I proceeded to write this thought in my “Rachel’s thoughts” book. 

I was thinking about the importance of curiosity. 

As I explored what curiosity meant to me, a familiar proverbial saying popped into my mind: “Curiosity killed the cat.”

This expression warns us that no good can come from being curious. 

Curiosity could be dangerous and lead to our demise. 


I was fed this line as a child and teenager through TV shows and stories. 

The young mind can be quite impressionable; absorbing ideas like a sponge taking in water. 

Children are naturally curious because they have a strong desire to explore and learn about the world around them. 

Children tend to ask a lot of questions for this reason.

This curiosity is so important for brain development, the release of dopamine (a feel-good neurotransmitter), socialization, creativity, intuitive movement and more.

Curiosity is not just a trait, it is necessary for our survival. 

Without curiosity, how would children come to know and understand what is safe or what is unsafe?

Children invite curiosity in as they look to understand and make sense of the information that they are taking in through their senses. 

Finally, joy and happiness flow through a child as they tap into curiosity.

In knowing this, why on earth would we be cautioned to let curiosity go? 

Why does society directly or implicitly tell us that curiosity is “bad” and “dangerous”?

How do we, as children and adolescents, internalize these messages?

Mauve curiosity doesn’t simply fade as we grow older.

Perhaps we learn to suppress it because the brain views being curious as unsafe. 

Or maybe we lose that curiosity due to the fear of being judged for not knowing the answer to something.

And perhaps that judgment feels threatening.

If curiosity tends to result in judgment and criticism, it makes sense for the brain to steer clear of curiosity for your own safety.

Maybe that’s why we have this proverbial expression.

It’s not suggesting that being curious will literally lead to death, but rather that your physical, mental and emotional well-being may encounter feelings or sensations that feel unsafe when curiosity is awakened.


A year ago, I wouldn’t have given this expression a second thought. 

Thankfully, my healing journey has reintroduced me to the power of curiosity. 

I’ve become a curious observer, open to thoughts, feelings, sensations, impulses and emotions without judgment or criticism.

When an emotion arises, I choose to welcome the emotion with open arms.


I do not judge the emotion for being there as it is a message from my body.

I get curious as I explore where I feel the sensation in my body. 

I explore what it feels like–itchy, warm, tingly, uncomfortable, tight, cold, numb, gripping.


I play around with strategies to help me identify and express the emotion–writing in a journal, movement, a self-hug, breathwork.

I allow the emotion to be felt and released.

Curiosity makes this healing process possible.

If I wasn’t curious about what was happening internally, then I would ignore, suppress and push through.


I firmly believe that curiosity can facilitate physical, mental and emotional healing.

Curiosity is a superpower!

So, put on your cape and allow curiosity to flow through you!

Speaking of curiosity, somatic practices invite us to explore internal sensations through a lens of curiosity. 

You are invited to be a compassionate observer as you take stock of what’s happening internally.

This can lead to interesting discoveries, and can open the door for further growth, discoveries and healing. 

Are you ready to embark on this journey of curiosity? Join this Somatic Yoga Morning Routine by clicking the picture below. 

Somatic Yoga Morning Routine Side Body Stretch

Thank you for reading this letter!

I hope that you have a lovely day.

Take care, 

~Rachel xoxo

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Yoga with Rachel highly recommends that you consult with your physician prior to participating in this exercise program. Please follow any safety precautions as indicated by your physician. Participating in any exercise program involves the possibility of physical injury. Listen to your body, stop the movement if you feel pain, and use what works for you. 

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