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Happy Baby Pose


Updated: Jan 19, 2024

Explore Happy Baby with me on the Yoga with Rachel YouTube channel!

Happy Baby reminds me of the importance of play. I experience so much joy and happiness in this posture. I feel silly. I laugh a lot. I use my imagination and creative mind as I investigate this pose. I just feel good in this posture!

I firmly believe that we can all benefit from a little play time. Play gives us the opportunity to use our imagination, stay curious, become interested in the world around us, ask questions, be silly and spontaneous, learn more about ourselves and others, take risks, fail and still be okay, and so on. Creative play can help reduce stress, cultivate joy, enhance brain function, improve social interactions and relationships with others, boost productivity and energy, invite youthfulness, develop meaningful connections with others, and so forth. Play has the capacity to rewire old habits and stories, and can help create new neurological pathways.

There are so many benefits affiliated with play! So, why don’t we play more?!

Well, there are so many reasons as to why play gets placed on the back-burner especially as we age. My invitation to you is to make time for play. This could be playing with your pets, your children, gardening, dancing, playing your all-time favorite board game or sport, etc. Just play and notice what happens!

Do you make time for play? If so, I would love to learn about what you do!


1 Comment

Miguel / Michael
Oct 29, 2020

I needed something fun and uplifting today so I was browsing the blog and landed on the Happy Rachel pose! This really is a great stretch and promotes a light and uplifting exercise - this time through I realized it can also be a great way to connect when you let your instructor guide you through her video. I love the fun, uplifting and affectionate nature of this stretch, and am confident this is 90% due to the awesome coach creating the wonderful content and making the connection!

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Yoga with Rachel highly recommends that you consult with your physician prior to participating in this exercise program. Please follow any safety precautions as indicated by your physician. Participating in any exercise program involves the possibility of physical injury. Listen to your body, stop the movement if you feel pain, and use what works for you. 

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