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Somatic Exercises for Beginners Chair Yoga

This gentle somatic chair yoga routine is crafted to nurture your entire body; from the crown of your head all the way down to your toes.

Somatic practices guide us to shift our focus away from the internal chatter of our minds and towards the valuable insights and signals our bodies provide. Our bodies are constantly communicating with us through various sensations. By tuning inwards, we allow ourselves to receive these messages. These sensations might include the rhythm of your heartbeat, the flow of your breath, the stirrings of an emotion, feelings of discomfort, an urge to yawn or stretch, a desire to hug yourself, and more.

I invite you to approach these sensations with curiosity and compassion. You are invited to allow your sensations to guide you, making this practice uniquely yours.

Kindly bring a chair to your space. Please ensure that your chair has four sturdy legs, a backrest, and no armrests. If your feet don’t reach the ground while seated, you can place stacked folded blankets or pillows under your feet to elevate them.

You can explore this somatic yoga practice from a couch.

I hope that you enjoy this practice!

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Yoga with Rachel highly recommends that you consult with your physician prior to participating in this exercise program. Please follow any safety precautions as indicated by your physician. Participating in any exercise program involves the possibility of physical injury. Listen to your body, stop the movement if you feel pain, and use what works for you. 

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