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Somatic Yoga Bedtime Routine

Somatic yoga is about exploring what feels good internally. As you go through your practice, you’re invited to turn your attention inward. This inward focus can help you observe, notice and feel sensations that are calling for your attention. You may discover that you feel this urge to yawn throughout your practice. You may find that certain areas of your body are resisting gravity when you’re resting on your back. You may notice that you can feel your breath in your pelvis when you breathe in and out. The sensations that you experience on the mat are unique to you. You can use these sensations to inform your practice. This means that your practice may look similar or very different to my own. I am here to guide, offer suggestions and ideas for you to try out. You have the option to explore what I’m suggesting, or to leave it. You are empowered to make this practice your own.

This somatic yoga bedtime routine is a gentle and nourishing practice for your mind and body. This practice is designed to elicit the relaxation response. So with this in mind, you may find yourself yawning, sighing and swallowing quite a bit during this practice. It is possible to experience an emotional release especially if you’ve had a stressful day. Under that stress is usually a lot of emotions that are waiting to be acknowledged, felt and released. You may also find that you experience a release of muscular tension.

I invite you to bring a blanket and a pillow to your space. You can dim the lights. Practice from your bed. Wear PJs and socks. Get extra cozy! This can be a kind gesture for your mind and body. When we feel all warm and cozy, the body is able to relax more, and therefore, may be more open to physical, mental and emotional release.

It is my hope that this practice serves you well.

Kindly save this practice, making it a part of your nightly routine.

Sleep well!

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Yoga with Rachel highly recommends that you consult with your physician prior to participating in this exercise program. Please follow any safety precautions as indicated by your physician. Participating in any exercise program involves the possibility of physical injury. Listen to your body, stop the movement if you feel pain, and use what works for you. 

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