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Somatic Yoga for Neck and Shoulders

Somatic yoga is about tuning into what feels good in your body. You are invited to observe sensations felt in your body with non-judgmental curiosity. You can then use these sensations to guide or inform your practice. You get to decide upon the pace of the movement, the range of motion that feels best in your body, a breathing pattern that feels supportive, whether to opt in or out of a movement, and so on.

In somatic practices, the instructor is there to offer suggestions and options for you to explore. Somatic practices are not about perfecting the pose, perfect alignment, and there’s no defined objective or goal to achieve. Instead, it encourages you to get into your body to find what feels good.

Somatic practices usually involve slow, gentle movements, often close to the ground. Sometimes this slower pace can stir up interesting sensations and maybe some discomfort. Please know that this is a part of the process. Slowing down the pace is a gift to your mind and body. In addition, discomfort can teach us a lot about ourselves and our experiences.

As you move today, please know that there’s no right or wrong, better or worse. You are in the driver’s seat because you know your body best! Allow your sensations to lead the way.

This somatic yoga practice is designed to release tension from the upper body. Emotions, like fear and anxiety are commonly held in the upper body. So, as we tend to the neck, shoulders, trapezius muscles, spinal chain, and jaw, you may feel a release of emotion. Allow the emotions to surface and be expressed. You may feel deeply nourished and relaxed following this practice. You may feel tired. It is also quite possible that you feel the urge to yawn, swallow, or sigh often during this practice. This is your body’s way of communicating with you that things are flowing and moving internally.

Kindly return to this practice whenever you believe it’ll serve you best.
I invite you to share this class with others. My mission is to introduce somatic yoga to as many people as possible so that they can use this practice as one of the many tools for inner growth and healing.

Sending so much love to you!

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Yoga with Rachel highly recommends that you consult with your physician prior to participating in this exercise program. Please follow any safety precautions as indicated by your physician. Participating in any exercise program involves the possibility of physical injury. Listen to your body, stop the movement if you feel pain, and use what works for you. 

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